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Intimate Rejuvenation

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Body Confidence Boosting Services

In a study of 8,081 postmenopausal women, 38% experienced symptoms of vaginal atrophy including urinary incontinence, vaginal inflammation and discomfort during intercourse (REVIVE Survey, 2012). In addition 48% of women have concerns about the appearance of their vulva, with 30% concerned about vulva discolouration (Refinery29, 2019).

Changes to genital laxity, pigmentation, texture and appearance are completely normal and occur naturally through hormonal changes, child-birth and the ageing process. But for those whose body confidence is negatively affected by these changes non-surgical intimate area rejuvenation treatments offer a fast, easy, pain free and effective in-clinic solution.

For treatment providers intimate area rejuvenation services can deliver high levels of profit per treatment, innovative services that attract new demographics and help clients feel more confident than ever.