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The future of light therapy

Lumixa: The future of light therapy

Lumixa treatments are an advanced, fast and comfortable in-clinic solution that harnesses the power of Fluorescent Light Energy (FLE) for the prevention and correction of inflammageing and intrinsic ageing signs.

Lumixa is a topical gel developed by FB Dermatology, the makers of Kleresca, that contains a fluorophore with an energy profile that is activated when under a 415nm – 465nm wavelength (blue) LED light. The activated Lumixa gel converts blue light into Fluorescent Light Energy (FLE), which stimulates the skin’s own repair mechanisms to heal at the cellular level.

Treatments with Lumixa stimulate fibroblasts to increase collagen, target the intrinsic signs of ageing and reactivate the skin matrix. Benefits include:

  • “Fluorejuvenation”: stimulation of regeneration mechanisms
  • “Skin gym“: reinforces natural defence mechanisms
  • Natural glow enhancement
  • Anti-redness effect
  • Stimulation of collagen production

The power of Fluorescent Light Energy

The physiological and therapeutic effects of FLE have been explored in several tissues and cells with evidence demonstrating that FLE can positively affect cellular metabolism, increase adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and modulate reactive oxygen species (ROS). A change in ROS is known to positively affect transcription factors responsible for growth, inflammation, cellular proliferation and oxygenation, eventually culminating in augmented tissue repair.

FLE acts within the different layers of the skin simultaneously, meaning clients can enjoy the benefits of multiple wavelengths of light energy at once on both the epidermal and dermal layers, up to 6mm deep.

  • Blue Light – Targets bacteria and has anti-inflammatory effects
  • Green Light – Targets fibroblasts and induces healing processes
  • Yellow Light – Reduces redness, swelling and boosts circulation
  • Red Light – Boosts blood circulation and increases collagen production

FLE enhances and maximises the results of blue LED light treatments, thanks to:

  • Photobiomodulation: stimulation of biological processes and skin’s the own regeneration mechanisms
  • Hyperpulsed light: cellular interaction superior to conventional LED light
  • Polychromatic light: covers a very wide spectrum of wavelengths, therefore interacting with different receptors in the epidermis and dermis
  • Steady State FLE: constant fluorescence which interacts with the skin continuously during the treatment session
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Before and After

Lumixa Skin Normaliser

The Lumixa Skin Normaliser formulation contains a patented fluorophore with a specific energy profile that makes it effective against the signs and symptoms of inflammageing.


  1. Inhibition of adaptation and repair mechanisms
  2. Dehydration
  3. Skin matrix weakening

Proven to reduce inflammation

Results on proinflammatory cytokine production by inflamed human fibroblasts and epidermal keratinocytes show a significant reduction in inflammation on skin treated with Lumixa Skin Normaliser. Study data was taken 24 hours after treatment with Lumixa Skin Normaliser in conjunction with blue light LED and, compared to skin treated with blue light LED alone.

Lumixa Collagen Booster

The Lumixa Collagen Booster formulation contains a patented fluorophore with a specific energy profile which makes it effective against the signs and symptoms of chronoageing.


  1. Clearly increases collagen production
  2. Reactivates the skin matrix
  3. Stimulates fibroblasts

Proven to boost collagen production

In-vitro data has demonstrated that blue light LED used in conjunction with Lumixa Collagen Booster results in a significant increase in collagen production at 72 hours, compared to baseline.

Point of Difference Services

Lumixa treatments deliver powerful, point of difference services with long-term benefits and skin health correction results. Treatments are non-invasive and suitable all year-round with minimal to no downtime and make-up can be applied immediately after the session.

Treatment protocols are straight forward and fast. When utilising a high powered LED like The Global Beauty Group LUX Series MediLUX, treatments can be performed in as little as 5 minutes.

While patients will experience results from a single session, most will benefit from a full course of 5 treatments. The standard protocol is 1 weekly session for 5 weeks.

Photobiomodulation: Light activated rejuvenation

Lumixa acts through photobiomodulation: light stimuli activating biological processes and regeneration mechanisms of the skin. The process of photobiomodulation involves photons interacting with biological systems, cells and tissues. This induces molecular pathways and modulates several aspects of cell biology.

The photophysical and photochemical reactions in the skin produced through photobiomodulation with Lumixa result in a range of benefits, including:

  • Mitochondria in skin cells convert light into energy, which is used to activate certain genes that regulate how quickly cells are renewed, repaired and grow
  • Acceleration of enzyme activity and electron transport
  • Increased production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the cell

Address the most common signs of ageing

The expression “inflammageing” refers to a continuous, low-level and asymptomatic inflammatory process associated with ageing. This process is particularly triggered by exposure to UV rays, which induce oxidative stress and the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

Ongoing Support with Education HUB

Access to the Australian Beauty Industry Award Winning ‘Educator of the Year – Product/Equipment Company’ Education HUB comes complimentary with your investment into technology.

A blended learning aesthetic education pathway like no other, each online training module covers successfully and safely performing treatments plus background into the technology history and theory. Learn through fun, engaging and interactive education modules plus online e-textbooks, quizzes and podcasts.

Your team of dermal educators and engineers at The Global Beauty Group are also available 7 days a week for rapid response clinical and technical support when you need it.

Marketing and Business Success Resources

The Global Beauty Group clients enjoy access to Marketing and Business Success Resources from our MyFaceMyBody ‘Marketing Support of the Year’ Award winning team. Pre-made social media images and text, suggested treatment pricing and packages, treatment brochures, posters, Marketing Success Guides, Before & Afters, pre-written website content, image library, video library and more are included complimentary, along with plus education modules on how to maxamise the impact of our Business Support Resources on your business.