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Increasing your online engagement with Instagram Stories

Is your Instagram feed getting all of your attention while your Stories feature is sitting there like a ghost town?
Here are 4 reasons why it is time to liven up your Instagram activity with a weekly story, or two!

1. Your followers want stories

The Stories feature was launched in 2016 to rapid success. Recent statistics show that of the 500 million daily Instagram users, 300 million of those are using Instagram stories. That is more than half of all daily users. The Stories feature alone has resulted in Instagram users spending more time on the social media platform than ever before. What does this mean for your beauty business? It means more opportunities for genuine exposure, and increased access to a bigger social media audience!

2. Your followers want an inside look

The success of Instagram Stories is largely due to the ‘raw’ nature of the content. While your Instagram feed is reserved for perfectly polished pictures, Instagram Stories allows you to take your followers behind the scenes for a more intimate look into the daily runnings of your salon, spa or clinic. You can offer followers a live glimpse into a facial treatment, or include them in that exciting moment where you unbox a new and exciting product addition to your range. Make your followers feel like part of the family!

3. Your followers want to have their say

A nifty feature of Instagram Stories is the interactive polls option which you can add to your stories. This is a fun and free way to find out what your clients really want! You can conduct a poll to discover which new high-tech treatment your followers would love you to introduce to your service menu, or you can even get your followers involved in naming new treatments or services, by getting them to vote for their favourite facial name. Your Instagram polls can essentially function as a massive market research session with very little time, effort and cost involved!

4. Your followers want to snap up exclusive offers

As Instagram Stories vanish after 24 hours, they present the perfect opportunity to throw out exclusive special offers for those who are quick enough to respond. A 24-hour special offer or flash sale can add fun, interest and exclusivity to your brand; and as only those on Instagram will be exposed to this offer, it helps your followers feel like they have access to something special and exclusive — something that other people are missing out on. Use the text feature to announce your offer and include a Call To Action, for example:

“FLASH SALE! Want 50% off our famous LED skin brightening facial? Reply YES now before it’s too late!”

For more beauty business and marketing tips, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.