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Creating Lifetime Clients

Client loyalty quick facts:

  1. Client retention = consistent profit

  2. Regular clients are more open to trying new services (and spend more doing so)

  3. Loyal clients refer new clients = loyal client base growth

With all of this in mind, how do you create lifetime clients? We share 4 client loyalty tips below.

People Buy People

Creating a positive first impression is the first step to creating a lifetime client. As we only get one chance to create that memorable first impression, ensure:

  • your website is easy to use and appointments can be easily made
  • your salon is presented in a bright, positive and inviting way
  • all team members are friendly and warm towards clients (little things such as offering your client a drink or asking questions can be memorable)
  • you are on time for their appointment

Make Consultations Count

Start each first client experience with a professional skin consultation. This not only solidifies that they’re visiting a place of expertise but ensures they receive a personalised experience. This is particularly important if they’re redeeming a gift certificate – you want to make sure that the service they’re redeeming is suited to their skin’s needs and goals so they leave feeling satisfied (and with an appointment re-booked). Nailing your client’s skin consultation also sets you up for success when it comes to treatment recommendations and re-booking. Skin analysers such as the OBSERV 520, put your client face-to-face with their true skin health and an action plan to assist them to achieve their skin goals. What better way to build a lifetime client than to start their journey to their best skin yet?!

Client Engagement

As business owners, we build close connections with our loyal clients. On the treatment bed or in the salon chair is often a space our clients go to to escape, unwind and sometimes unload their day-to-day life. Maximise these relationships by regularly engaging with your customers via email, text or social media. Send your client a personalised message on their birthday, a thank you email post-appointment (with a link to re-book if they haven’t done so already), VIP promotions or early-bird access to specials or for your long term clients, special promo codes on the anniversary of their first visit to you! It doesn’t cost much to keep your business on their minds.

Monthly Roundup

Put a twist on your regular email marketing with a monthly roundup e-newsletter. Send an email to your database that shares your favourite moments of each month – before and after results, client stories, favourite product or treatment and even your favourite positive intention from that month.

These monthly recaps allow you to feature standout client experiences, reiterate the results you achieve and continue to build a brand around positivity and client commitment. They also keep your email database regularly engaged with your business. Who knows, maybe they’ll be featured one month!

How are creating lifetime clients in 2020?