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Top 4 Valentine’s Day marketing tips for salons, spas and clinics

Valentine’s Day is just a fortnight away, so if you’re in need of some last minute marketing ideas, these 4 strategies will help to spike your sales results during this seasonal celebration of love.

1. Target the blokes

Men who have no idea what to buy their partners are your primary target market for the Valentine’s Day spending period. Shop front/window signage and targeted Facebook and Instagram advertising are your best bet for catching their attention. Let them know clearly and confidently that you have the solution to all of their Valentine’s Day gift-buying dramas:

“Don’t be that boyfriend who buys the same old flowers and chocolates this Valentine’s Day. Make your partner feel like the Queen she is with our ultimate V-Day pampering packages!”

“Want to be in her good books for the rest of the year? Tickle her pink with a magical pampering experience this Valentine’s Day.”

2. Bundle affordable options

It’s important to have an affordable option available for partners who wish to buy a unique gift for their loved one, but don’t have a lot of cash to spend. Bundling an entry level package together (such as a massage and facial) sells the gift of luxury while maintaining an affordable price point. Be sure to include a “Packages start from just $XX” at the end of your ad copy so potential customers immediately know that they can afford to shop with you.

3. Create a shared experience

While it’s good to have solo packages aimed at spoiling just the lady, it’s also a nice idea to have a romantic couples package option that sells a magical and relaxing shared experience for two. Let the gift-givers know that this is the perfect way to spend quality time together, to reconnect, and to rejuvenate their over-tired, overworked minds and bodies, setting them up for a blissful night of renewed romance ahead.

4. Think long-term/lifetime client

Once you have the booking, this is now your only chance to transform this one-off customer into a lifetime client. Without sounding too salesy and without detracting from the relaxing experience of enjoying their gift, let the client know that you are also including a complimentary mini skin consultation for their benefit where they can discuss their skin goals. Through this, you can point out affordable treatment upgrade or re-booking options that work to better address their hyperpigmentation, acne or rosacea concerns (for example).

For more beauty marketing ideas and inspiration, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.