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Freshen up your marketing strategies for the year ahead

For beauty businesses, January is all about catering to the countless ‘New Year’s Resolution’ clients wanting to look good, feel good and improve their image and self-confidence. But this should apply to your business too. If you are pushing the same old promotions, then you are bound to get the same old results. Here we look at key ways to freshen up your marketing strategies to maximise your bottom line in 2019 better than ever before.

Remember why clients should choose you

This year, sit down and think about exactly what makes your business so unique — what is it in your service experience that clients can’t get anywhere else? Write it down. This is the message you want to be weaving into your marketing language and promotions over the course of 2019. With so much competition out there, if you do not set yourself apart from the rest it is too easy to get lost in the crowd. Can’t think of anything? Pinpoint where your real unique skill and passion lies, and create a signature service experience around this.

Focus on staff training & development

When was the last time you held solid training and development workshops with your staff? The fresh and optimistic energy of the New Year is the perfect time to do it. Your staff are your key drivers for improving sales, upselling products and treatments, and retaining clients, so regular huddles and pep talk sessions will ensure your staff are up to speed with your expected service standards. Training and development topics to think about include:

  • Upkeeping service standards and perfecting the client journey.
  • Re-booking strategies when customers are checking-out.
  • Upselling strategies for adding-on services when booking treatments.
  • Retail training for increasing the average spend per customer per visit.

If setting targets and goals, be sure to reward your staff for their great work when they reach their targets.

Step up your online presence

Whether you like it or not, nowadays your online visibility plays a major role in the overall success of your business and determines how well you will stand out from competitors. Get serious about your social media accounts and focus on delivering 70% value-driven and informative content, and just 30% on sales pitches.

Value-driven content includes “how to” videos, Before & After treatment images, behind the scenes sneak peeks, expert skincare tips with your top clinicians, and product reviews blog posts.

Get involved with your local community

Giving back to your community is a great way to boost staff morale and doubles as excellent PR for your business! Whether it be donating, volunteering or setting up initiatives for specific demographics (such as a Mums and Bubs Haircut Morning), think about ways you can connect with your local community members on a more personal level.

Treatment happy hour

Treatment happy hour A great sales-boosting strategy many successful airlines use is to create a Friday Fare Frenzy that offers excellent discounts on flights if the customer books during the limited time frame stated (for example, booking between 4 and 6pm on Fridays). You can do this too, switching up the treatments offered week to week and you don’t have to limit yourself to discounts, either. You may find that offering value-added services are more beneficial for your bottom line. Why not trial a mix of both and see how it goes?

Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more pro tips!