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How to win more male clients

Is your salon, spa or clinic inclusive of the male client? Ensuring it is will not only widen your customer demographic, it will expand your profit potential and help raise your business to a new level of growth and success. Here are 4 ways to get more males walking through your door.

The rise of the male aesthetics market (and how to be a part of it)

Did you know that the male grooming market is a multi-billion dollar industry that is rapidly expanding with each year? Yes, men want to look good too — and they are moving beyond shaving creams and moisturisers to achieve it, with more men than ever undergoing laser hair removal, body contouring and anti-wrinkle treatments.

1. Make your treatments gender neutral

When marketing your treatments online, in-house and through other advertising channels, ensure your language is gender neutral, or use inclusive terms like “men and women”, and portray lifestyle and treatment imagery of both men and women. If you like, you can even have a male menu section on your website that lists treatments that are particularly beneficial for thick male skin and hair. A man should be able to visit your website, or walk past your shopfront and think “I am welcome here” — so think about ways you can create an inclusive space for them.

2. Make your space gender neutral

One of the best ways to create an inclusive space is to opt for gender neutral design and decor. Overly feminine colours, textures and scents should be avoided, and imagery around your salon, spa or clinic should include both males and females. Gender neutral design does not at all have to mean dull and boring, either — have fun choosing a theme that appeals to both men and women, such as a ‘Swedish spa’ theme of raw, wooden tones, or a Great Gatsby theme with rich, sophisticated textures and art deco furniture.

3. Create ‘Couples Treatments’

If a man is too shy to make a solo venture to your salon, offering a few treatments for couples is a good way to get him through the door (and is a great strategy for upselling). A couples treatment could be a fully developed package plan consisting of facial, body and massage treatments, or it could be as easy as offering an LED facial or laser hair removal session for two at a discounted price. Think “Book as a couple and save!” when marketing your treatments. Just ensure you have the equipment and tools necessary to accommodate two people at the one time.

4. Create dedicated promotions for males

Every so often your promotional campaigns should be specifically targeted at men. This is an important way to advertise the fact that you are a male-inclusive business. Promotions that men will respond to include laser and IPL hair removal discount packages, male-focussed body shaping and fat reduction packages, and skin rejuvenation services such as IPL photorejuvenation, laser resurfacing and LED skin renewal.

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